Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Getting Out of Isolation Mode

Writing causes a great deal of isolation because it is a solitary job. For the best writing time you will find yourself alone. If others are in the house, you are probably writing while they work on other things or sleeping. I know if I'm home with my husband and I manage to do writing related things it is because he is doing other things. If you let it, your writing can reduce you to only seeing your family and people at church (if you don't have a full time job).

I know I need to get out and be with people now and then. There is the need to be connected. How will I write about people if I don't know people?

It still does not prove easy, but I've become the secretary/treasurer of our Women's Ministries at church. With my crazy need to write, spend time with my husband and hold down a full time job, I find my desire to go out and do extra things squelched most days. I have taken this knowledge of myself and working on getting more interest in the ministry. I've set the goal of getting way more literature out in advance for what we are doing in order for the women to actually see what we are doing and what will happen next. If I don't at least try this enticement, then I won't know if it will actually help gain more involvement. I do understand that schedules don't always workout and many with teenage kids have after school things that block out even a once a month women's ministry meeting.

Will it work? Who knows. Maybe some things will get going on different days to actually accomplish some projects.

In the long run I know it will help me. I am enjoying fellowshiping with the women of my church and getting to know them better. I'm learning more about who I am as a person and what causes me to get irritated and what does not. Then I can learn how to change my feelings or at least redirect them in a way that solves my internal issues while accomplishing something with a team. It's a trial, so there will be learning. Hiding from people just to do my writing will hinder my growth as a person and hinder my understanding of how people tick.

Besides, doing things as a group can be quite enlightening and entertaining. You can accomplish more and in the end you still have plenty of writing time around the group activities. So get out there and live and see how it can enhance your writing along the way. Don't believe me? I find that I can still get in 20 hours a week of writing/editing with a full time job, women's ministries, church, family and friends.

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