Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring is Really Here

I've slowed down a bit on my writing since that mad dash of trying to fit in fifty hours of novel editing in March without stopping anything else that I had to do. My brain is going through a recharge. However, I have an inspirational article revision and a short story posted for critiquing. I also got an entry into the first challenge of the quarter over at I have several ideas of what to write for this week's challenge. I have a writing assignment due tomorrow and have it done already.

Reading all that sounds like a lot, but it's been pretty leisurely paced. I've even taken some time to read a little more in a Lynn Austin novel and read further through "Getting Into Character" for the Missing Pages Book Club over at the Christian Writer's Forum.

Writing and reading have always been a huge part of my life and I actually missed it when I didn't plug away at it like I have since Christmas week. I got too wound up in computer games which wasted a lot of time. I easily played for 20 to 30 hours a week. Now that time goes towards my writingand reading again. I've felt like I've found the right path to be on for this season of my life since Christmas. Do I know exactly where I am going? No, but writing is definitely involved.

To help the spirit and emotional side all the more, it has been sunny all week and the last snow I saw was Saturday morning. The neighbor's domesticated goose decided the stream in our backyard was better for a nest rather than her owner's. The grass is starting to turn green. There are buds on some of the trees. Today is supposedly the nicest so far, so I didn't go outside while at work. I would have run away instead.

Our living room, minus a few odds and ends, is setup. I had access to my exercise equipment and used it for the first time in months. That felt really good. I know at least half my issues is the lack of exercise and the other half are things that exercise will help, but they will be with me until I die. I need to keep this up and to do so I need to organize my schedule to allow for up to an hour for whatever exercising I chose to do for the day. This really helps for after work because it allows me to unwind before I step into my writing. It releaves a lot of stress in various forms that I may acquire while at work. Now to keep this all in mind as my marshmallow of a body complains about the muscles I'm starting to workout again.

Things are not entirely easy, but I'd be scared if they were. Even when it seems hard to get my writing done for the day, I'm definitely enjoying the journey. I have plenty still to learn and as I network I'm finding more ways to test out my writing.

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