Saturday, March 1, 2008

First Day of NaNoEdMo

NaNoEdMo started today, but I didn't. I'm actually at work due to the project through the weekend. I'll finally get my weekend some time this coming week. Then I'll crank through some editing.

To make things more interesting, I'm fighting off a lovely cold that has me sleeping extra when I can just so I can manage to be here through the weekend for this project. I'm so tempted to add on some vacation days to just disappear for more days to recuperate.

On a good note I actually got my writing assignment I discussed in the last post done and sent in on Tuesday. Then, while sitting here for this project one night, scribbled out the character biography I needed for the next assignment. I typed that up this morning and reorganized it. I also dug through what I have done of the draft to find a scene where dialogue and action are the primary sources for knowledge of the characters involved for the reader. I need to recheck that it states no more than 4 double spaced pages and not at least. My brain is suddenly scared that I read it wrong, but I'm not handing it in until I get the other assignment back from my mentor. At least, I'll have this assignment ready to go as soon as she's done with that one. I need to get one more extra lesson squeaked in at the least to be sure I am caught up again.

The outlining I mentioned actually went really well. It helped determine where I've gone already with what I do have written in rough draft and solidified more of the idea for the rest of it. The character sketch ended up having some of the ideas in it as well. Due to how well it went for this, I'm definitely starting off my NaNoEdMo with a scene by scene outline for the sci fi novel to really find where the plot needs work or the character arch seems to sag. I bet this will take a few hours in of itself. The one for the YW novel used in the lesson took me around four hours minimum to do. However, part of it is not written and I could make up most of it. For the sci fi novel I have the entire thing written and then I need to mark where things should change and outline how to make the change flow in.

Only time will tell in how much it will take to truly edit what I have to. Needless to say, despite crazy work hours and other life interruptions, I have a feeling I'll be needing 50 hours to do a lot of this editing. Now to see if I have 50 hours in one month to do it. Oh, wait. I bet I do! I used to spend around 20+ hours playing internet games like EverQuest in a week and still get some stuff done. I think I do sleep more now, though. ;)

It might as well snow if it is winter, but could someone convince March that since it came in like a lion that it better be a lamb by the 15th. :P I'm ready for spring, but have 7 inches of new snow instead.

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